Physical Security

Surveillance, Access Control, Audio, Sensors

Security is a valid concern for businesses globally. Stratishield AI emerges as a pioneering force, steering companies through the complex landscape of advanced security surveillance and access management strategies. 

Our Offerings

Affordable, Direct-to-Cloud Solutions: Specializing in advanced security surveillance and access management without the need for costly on-premises equipment. Enjoy seamless global access to your security systems.

AI-Driven Security Integration: Collaborating with AI-driven systems like Your Six and Verkada, we provide robust solutions that enhance existing security infrastructure without requiring camera replacements.

Innovative Approach: Our innovative methods ensure superior AI-driven security while maximizing savings, offering advanced protection for your business.

Consistent Monitoring and Protection: Utilizing the latest technological innovations, we ensure that your premises are consistently monitored and protected.

Expert Guidance and Implementation: Whether upgrading current systems or implementing new ones, Stratishield AI is your go-to partner for cutting-edge, cost-effective security solutions.

Model Case Study

A multi-site healthcare clinic successfully upgraded its security system without replacing existing cameras, thanks to Stratishield AI’s collaboration with Your Six. Facing the need to modernize their surveillance without incurring high costs or operational downtime, the clinic utilized Your Six’s AI-driven security platform, integrated seamlessly with their current infrastructure. This direct-to-cloud approach not only saved substantial money but also minimized disruptions in critical healthcare services. The swift implementation of this solution provided the clinic with enhanced security capabilities, demonstrating Stratishield AI’s commitment to delivering cost-effective, advanced security solutions for complex, multi-site operations.